© Melanoma Research Foundation

© Melanoma Research Foundation

© Melanoma Research Foundation

© Melanoma Research Foundation

© Melanoma Research Foundation

© Melanoma Research Foundation
The Make-A-Wish Foundation of Philadelphia, Delaware, & Susquehanna Valley decided that for their 2018 Walk for Wishes season they would hold a single event at the Nemours Estate in Wilmington, DE. Each Walk for Wishes event in past years received its own custom t-shirt design, and the 2018 event was no different. The theme driving the design was “community,” encompassing the concept that it takes a network of people in the community supporting the Make-A-Wish Foundation to grant a wish to a child. There needed to be several versions of the design, one each for the wish kids, volunteers, and registered attendees which would also each be printed on different color t-shirts.
Keeping in mind the Make-A-Wish branding and the event’s location in the Nemours Estate garden, I created the main design element to be reminiscent of a flower that one would see on the walk route. The swirl and star of the Make-A-Wish logo creates the stem, representing the child’s wish waiting to be granted, with footprints creating the petals of the flower showing how many people in the community need to come together to grant the child their wish. On the back of the t-shirt, I created variations of this “flower” incorporating the titles of who would be wearing each design (“wish kid” vs “volunteer”) and displaying the sponsor’s logos in a respectful and orderly manner.